Peer Tutoring Requests

September 26, 2021 - February 20, 2022

Designed and implemented a robust request management system that integrates multiple Google GSuite utilities (Sheets, Forms, and Mail) to streamline the request, triage, and response process for tutors and students at Lawrenceville using JavaScript/Apps Script subset. Prospective students submit a request from a Google Form, which is then processed by the script to find and email available tutors based on time of day, day of the week, and subject with information on how to contact the student.

As the president of the peer tutoring program, I used the program to help manage the responsibilities of finding available tutors, pairing tutors with prospective stud
ents, and introducing new students to the tutoring program.

Lawrenceville School recognized the software during an all-school meeting and agreed to host it on their internal student web portal.