about me

i'm a second-year undergraduate computer science student with concentrations in machine intelligence and programming languages at purdue university. i started programming at age 9 (in 2014) with visual basic for applications in microsoft excel 2010 on my dad’s pc. now, i work in systems programming and machine learning, often in c or python.

i work in the cognitive robot autonomy and learning lab at purdue university under zixing wang and professor ahmed qureshi. i'm also a teaching assistant for cs240 "programming in c" under professor jeff turkstra for the spring 2025 semester. i previously worked on parallel algorithms in the yang group (2023-2024), experimental trading environments at straato (2023), fault-tolerant interactive simulations with sentinel (2022-2023), water quality analysis at stroud (2021-2022), and hosting international hackathons at mega (2021-2022).

alongside cs, i’m pursuing a minor in mathematics.

i’m also a tea enthusiast. i'm quite font of harney and sons' indigo punch, palais des thés thé vert de noël, citron tea with honey, and various other green and herbal teas.